Development of advanced services that meet the personal needs of each customer

Our customers enjoy a variety of services that provide them with a complete service package that includes:

travel insurance service

Pension arrangement management

  • pension planning with advanced simulators by experienced professionals
  • gathering all of the information about the pension plans and relevant insurances
  • Representation in front of all insurance companies, pension and investment funds
  • handling work leave
  • retirement planning
pension arrangment

Financial arrangement management

  • Planning, characterization and analysis of needs to build a high-quality, customized investment mix
  • a variety of advanced financial solutions
  • Premium Customer Department

Clearing and collection services

  • split payroll control
  • transmitting information securely Via safes
  • Transfer of funds to producers through
    • trust account (automatic receipts)
    • bank clearing center of provident fund providers 
    • direct transfer
  • feedback summary for the employer: quarterly / semi-annual / annual
  • statistical Analysis Report
helth insurance service

Health and nursing insurance

  • use of advanced simulators
  • working with all of the major insurance companies
  • handling insurance claims
  • Collective health insurance through Dorbit from the Agam Leaderim group and Phoenix insurance company
travel financial service

Business and private travel insurance


Family risk management

  • handling private plans - life, health and nursing insurances
  • Financial solutions for available money
  • managing a pension arrangement for the spouse